Dear Crows, let me give you a quick overview on the STORM Domain of Crowfall and which Major and Minor Disciplines they give you access to. If you want to check out what each Specialization Class brings to the table check out my Races and Classes Guide.
CREDIT: I want to thank Tinnis, who made an invaluable contribution by providing the descriptions of the disciplines I could copy paste as captions to you can search the disciplines and their abilities.
Avatar Of Storms • storm avatar (?) • call lightning (attack: stuns target) Blitzer • banner of storms (group electricity. ice resistance and damage bonus)• haunt (attack: reflect enemy damage; healing) Flow Controller • mass dispel (attack removes all barriers in an area)• cauterize (removes group bleeds, electrocution, burning and blackmantle) Hydrologist • water spirits (attack: heals allies; reduce enemy fire damge)• cauterize (removes group bleeds, electrocution, burning and blackmantle) Pixie • soothing winds (target heal allies over time)• pix fix (passive: increase chain heal jumps; falloff reduction) Reality Tripper • alter reality (attack: absorb enemy healing)• last restort (passive: gain crit chance on low health) Unstable Mage • wreckoning (attack: deals damage based on barrier amount)• arcane barrier (gain a barrier and elemental barrier resistance) Banshee Wail • banshee wail (attack: reduce movement speed) Burning Hatred • burning hatred (passive: spawn health orbs on damage) Crazy Pills • crazy pills (passive: increase damage on low resource) Eminently Punchable • hit me (passive: gain resource on enemy hit) First Wind • first wind (passive: regenerate when low health) Glass Cannon • glass cannon (passive: increase damage; increase damge taken) Take Root • take root (passive: standing still buffs healing bonus) Weapon Finesse • weapon finesse (passsive: greatly reduces power resource costs)