Playable Races
The Knight can wear Leather and Mail and has access to Axes, Short Swords Longswords, Maces, Bucklers and Medium Shields.
Check out all the available Weapon Skins for your Weapons.
Attributes are pretty straight forward in Crowfall. Your Primary Attributes in Crowfall are STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, INTELLECT, SPIRIT and CONSTITUTION.
If you are building a character that is focusing on DAMAGE, the secondary stat you want to push as high as possible is ATTACK POWER (AP). For the KNIGHT Attack Power is increased by STRENGTH. 1 Attribute Point gives you 2 AP.
Here are the most important secondary stats and by which ATTRIBUTES they are influenced:
STRENGTH: Damage Bonus.
DEXTERITY: Critical Strike Chance, Critical Healing Chance and Physical Resistances (Crushing, Piercing, Slashing) and Bleed Resistances.
INTELLECT: Critical Hit Damage, Critical Heal Amount and Healing Bonus.
SPIRIT: Each Point of Spirit gives you 4 Support Power, which is the primary stat for Healers. It also increases your Elemental Resistances (Electricity, Fire, Ice)
CONSTITUTION: Each point of CON grants you 20 HP. It also influences Organic resistances (Disease, Nature, Poison)
Talents & Skills
Whirling Leap (Ultimate)
Whirling leap pulls enemies in and deals damage to them. It’s also granting you high damage mitigation and CC immunity for 5 seconds.
Check out this amazing Talent Builder by La Communauté de l’Arbre Clair.
The Talent builder is also listing all Skills.
Promotion Classes
If you want to know, where the Promotions are standing in the Current META, check out my Promotion Tier List.
All Knight Promotion classes get Buckler, Medium Shield, Axe, Short Sword, Longsword and Mace Mastery, which means you will be able to equip the runic Versions of these Weapons.
An offensive build for the knight. This Promotion should be played with a Sword as a weapon, since you have a chance to get a damage buff on auto attacks, while wielding a sword. You get some extra HP, AP, Critical Strike Chance, Critical Damage Amount, Damage Bonus and Slashing Damage Bonus. You gain access to VALOROUS STRIKE that deals execute damage and grants lifesteal in a 2-combo. OATH OF WILL will grant you 25% Critical Strike Chance for the next 3 hits for 15 seconds. PURSUIT has a reduced cooldown. OBLITERATE has a 100% Critical Strike Chance for the Bleed it applies.
The Swordsman gets access to the WAR, DEATH or BATTLE Domain.
This is the more CC heavy knight build. You will gain extra HP, Critical Damage Amount, Power Efficiency, Slashing and Crushing Damage Bonus plus increased duration of CC. Noble Blood now adds a Suppress and Chain Attack will now also Root enemies. Pursuit will stun the next enemy hit with a shield attack.
Your passive increases your movement speed and gives you a damage buff if you stun/knockdown enemies while wearing a mace. You gain access to PARALYZING SHOUT, an AoE Knockdown. Remember to wield a mace with this Promotion!
The Sentinel gets access to the BATTLE, JUSTICE or MUSIC Domain.
This is a tanky Knight build. The Secutor can wear Plate Armor. You will a lot extra HP, Power Efficiency, Slashing and Crushing Damage Bonus. Oath of Will now reduces the cost of maintaining Block by 75%, and lose no additional stamina from big hits. Pursuit also applies a Barrier when it ends. You are able to equip Tower Shields.
Your passive grants you a Damage Bonus Buff while above 70% health.
The Secutor gets access to the PROTECTION, JUSTICE or NATURE Domain.
The Knight Class gets access to the following Disciplines.
Master Of Maces • skullcracker (attack: stun enemies)• will of the stoneborn (increase crushing resistance; weapon efficiency) Master Of Swords • critical hack (attack: increase critical strike)• iron skin (increase slashing resistance; reduce weapon resource cost) Mudman • muck spatter (crushing attacks trigger area blindness; corruption)• jelly skin (barrier negates crushing damage) Sharpshooter • binding arrows (attack: ground target area root)• all clear (passive: increase damage when apart from enemies) Shieldmaster • mighty shield slam (charged attack: push back enemies)• shieldmanship (passive: shield bash damage increased. shield attacks enable shield bash) Stalwart • get behind me (buff: while blocking grant damage reduction to group)• molon labe (passive: blocks reflect elemental damage) Brutal Slam • brutal slam (attack: reduce enemy physical mitigation) Finish Him • finish him (passive increase execute power damge) Illusory Shield • throw illusion shield (attack: snares multiple enemies) Resurrection • resurrection (revives one fallen ally) Thornshield • thornshield (activate thorns)