Playable Races
The Myrmidon can be played as HALF-GIANT, MINOTAUR and STONEBORN.
The Myrmidon can wear Leather and has access to Axes and Maces.
Check out all the available Weapon Skins for your Weapons.
Attributes are pretty straight forward in Crowfall. Your Primary Attributes in Crowfall are STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, INTELLECT, SPIRIT and CONSTITUTION.
If you are building a character that is focusing on DAMAGE, the secondary stat you want to push as high as possible is ATTACK POWER (AP). For the MYRMIDON Attack Power is increased by STRENGTH. 1 Attribute Point gives you 2 AP.
Here are the most important secondary stats and by which ATTRIBUTES they are influenced:
STRENGTH: Damage Bonus.
DEXTERITY: Critical Strike Chance, Critical Healing Chance and Physical Resistances (Crushing, Piercing, Slashing) and Bleed Resistances.
INTELLECT: Critical Hit Damage, Critical Heal Amount and Healing Bonus.
SPIRIT: Each Point of Spirit gives you 4 Support Power, which is the primary stat for Healers. It also increases your Elemental Resistances (Electricity, Fire, Ice)
CONSTITUTION: Each point of CON grants you 20 HP. It also influences Organic resistances (Disease, Nature, Poison)
Talents & Skills
Raging Bull (Ultimate)
Raging Bull applies Knockdown to enemies near you and deals damage to them. It’s also granting you high damage mitigation and CC immunity for 5 seconds.
Check out this amazing Talent Builder by La Communauté de l’Arbre Clair.
The Talent builder is also listing all Skills.
Promotion Classes
If you want to know, where the Promotions are standing in the Current META, check out my Promotion Tier List.
All Myrmidon Promotion classes get Mace and Axe Mastery, which means you will be able to equip the runic Versions of these Weapons.
This is the Melee Damage Dealer Promotion Class. You get extra AP, Critical Damage Amount, Physical Armor, Crushing and Slashing Penetration. Whenever you hit a bleeding target you get a Damage Bonus Buff, which stacks up to 25 times. You gain access to PULVERIZE, a charged ability that allows you you to prevent “crash damage”. “Crash damage” is a mechanic that allows you to prevent all incoming damage for 8 seconds after activating BERSERK. As the Titan Promotion you can avoid that damage all together by casting PULVERIZE once the crash ends. If you fail to cast PULVERIZE while the crash ends, you take all the damage that has been accumulated while BERSERK was active.
The Titan gets access to the WAR, BATTLE or WIND Domain.
This is a Melee Crowd Control, AoE focused promotion class. This Promotion Class can wear Mail Armor. You have more CC and CC immunity than in the other builds. In addition you get a single target suppress on NECK SLASH. WHIRLWIND and BERSERK will make you immune to CC. You get access to GO FOR THE EYES, an AoE Blind, that gives you a Damage Bonus Buff. Enemies that hit you, while BERSERK is active have a chance to get Stunned.
The Conqueror gets access to the WAR, BATTLE or JUSTICE Domain.
The Melee Tank build. The Battlerager can wear Mail and Plate Armor. You get extra HP, Resist All, This Promotion causes BERSERK to prevent all damage taken and accumulate it as “crash damage”. You can prevent the “crash damage” by applying enough bleed to enemies before the crash window ends. You get extra HP for every enemy within 20m when using BERSERK. WHIRLWIND now applies a shield. NECK SLASH heals when used on a bleeding target. You also get access to IRON HIDE, which slows enemies and gives you resistances.
The Battlerager gets access to the WAR, DEATH or WIND Domain.
The Myrmidon Class gets access to the following Disciplines.
Arcane Archer • arcane arrow (attack: applies armor break to enemies in its path)• arcane barrier (gain a barrier, and elemental barrier resistance) Sharpshooter • binding arrows (attack: ground target area root)• all clear (passive: increase damage when apart from enemies) Dazzler • dazzling blade (attack: reduce enemy crit hit chance)• resolution (passive: gain damage when enemies near) Master Of Axes • furious slash (attack: combo reduces cooldowns)• demolish armor (attack: inflict armor break) Master Of Maces • skullcracker (attack: stun enemies)• will of the stoneborn (increase crushing resistance; weapon efficiency) Speed Demon • closing speed (passive: movement speed increase when hit with ranged attacks)• marked for death (mark a target to take increased damage from group members) Resurrection • resurrection (revives one fallen ally) Stay In The Fight • stay in the fight (passive: basic attacks have no cost when low on resources) Sturdy • sturdy (passive: reduce health loss on high health) Thornshield • thornshield (activate thorns) Underdog • underdog (passive: gain attack power when stunned; knocked down)