Dear Crows, let me give you a quick overview on the PLAGUE Domain of Crowfall and which Major and Minor Disciplines they give you access to. If you want to check out what each Specialization Class brings to the table check out my Races and Classes Guide.
CREDIT: I want to thank Tinnis, who made an invaluable contribution by providing the descriptions of the disciplines I could copy paste as captions to you can search the disciplines and their abilities.
Banshee • haunt (attack: reflect enemy damage; healing)• angel of death (passive: increase enemy damage at low health) Deadly Infector • diffusion (attack: damage scales with active poisons)• envenom (attack: hits all enemies. applies all poison buffs to you) Grim Reaper • shrivel (attack: blackmantle; disease; expose punish)• ghost army (attack: damage multiple enemies; healing) Mudman • muck spatter (crushing attacks trigger area blindness; corruption)• jelly skin (barrier negates crushing damage) Plague Lord • festering wounds (attack: reduce healing; expose on healing)• contagion (attack: spreads poisons to nearby enemies) Poison Sapper • spirit dart (attack: activates crippling poisons. return to stealth if undamaged)• poison paradise (buff: increases lifesteal when a poison toxin is equipped) Poison Trapper • concussive trap (trap: stuns targets)• toxic trap (passive: adds blackmantle to your traps) Poisoner • poisoned blade (attack: adds the poison buff to yout attacks)• poisoned weapons (passive: basic attacks now deal poison damage) Barbed Stake • barbed stake (attack: deals damage to enemies that remain within its field) Cripple • cripple (attack: combo reduces enemy attack power) Pound Of Flesh • pound of flesh (passive: damge bonus versus high health) Rupture Barrier • rupture barrier (passive: increase damage vs barriers. gain resource) Sturdy • sturdy (passive: reduce health loss on high health) Taste Of Poison • taste of poison (passive: create wisps. consuming wisps increases damage bonus) Touch Of Rot • touch of rot (passive: reduce support power on last basic attack)