Playable Races
The Ranger can be played as ELKEN, HALF-ELF, MINOTAUR, HUMAN and WOOD-ELF.
The Ranger can wear Leather and has access to Axes, Maces, Short Swords and Recurve Bows.
Check out all the available Weapon Skins for your Weapons.
Attributes are pretty straight forward in Crowfall. Your Primary Attributes in Crowfall are STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, INTELLECT, SPIRIT and CONSTITUTION.
If you are building a character that is focusing on DAMAGE, the secondary stat you want to push as high as possible is ATTACK POWER (AP). For the RANGER Attack Power is increased by DEXTERITY. 1 Attribute Point gives you 2 AP.
Here are the most important secondary stats and by which ATTRIBUTES they are influenced:
STRENGTH: Damage Bonus.
DEXTERITY: Critical Strike Chance, Critical Healing Chance and Physical Resistances (Crushing, Piercing, Slashing) and Bleed Resistances.
INTELLECT: Critical Hit Damage, Critical Heal Amount and Healing Bonus.
SPIRIT: Each Point of Spirit gives you 4 Support Power, which is the primary stat for Healers. It also increases your Elemental Resistances (Electricity, Fire, Ice)
CONSTITUTION: Each point of CON grants you 20 HP. It also influences Organic resistances (Disease, Nature, Poison)
Talents & Skills
Sustain (Ultimate)
Sustain grants 40% Lifesteal until you healed 30% of your maximum HP. It’s also granting you high damage mitigation and CC immunity for 5 seconds.
Check out this amazing Talent Builder by La Communauté de l’Arbre Clair.
The Talent builder is also listing all Skills.
Promotion Classes
If you want to know, where the Promotions are standing in the Current META, check out my Promotion Tier List.
All Ranger Promotion classes get Recurve Bow Mastery, which means you will be able to equip the runic Versions of these Weapons.
Archers are pure heavy ranged DPS. They get a massive increase in Range Distance Bonus and the respective Cap. They also get High Tension Bow, Spellbound Bow Mastery, which means you will be able to equip the runic Versions of these Weapons. And they can use Quivers as well as Exotic and Elemental Arrows. They get additional damage Bonus on top of Double Shot which increases the damage of your next fully charged Basic Attack. RAPID FIRE now fires 10 instead of 6 arrows. CONCUSSIVE TRAP causes you to take less damage. DISENGAGE gives you a Power Damage Bonus: Ranged Buff. You also gain access to RICHOCHET SHOT, which roots the first target hit and can damage up to 2 additional targets. If RICHOCHET SHOT hits 3 enemies you gain a Critical Damage Buff.
The Archer gets access to the MUSIC, DARK or FROST Domain.
The Warden can wear Mail Armor and gets extra AP, Trap Damage Bonus and Critical Damage Bonus. They also get Axe, Mace and Short Sword Mastery, which means you will be able to equip the runic Versions of these Weapons. And they can use Quivers as well as Energy Regeneration in all Trays. TWIN SURGE now inflicts a Suppress on the 2nd attack. CONCUSSIVE TRAP now grants a barrier and applies Bleed at an 8 meter radius. DISENGAGE leaves a Trap. You gain access to TRAP MASTER, which is a buff that has a chance to spawn a Trap on every attack you do.
The Warden gets access to the PLAGUE, DARK or NATURE Domain.
You are now a stealth/melee damage dealer, you gain a stealth tray, extra AP, Critical Damage Amount and extra damage for Melee and Attacks from behind. They also get Axe, Mace and Short Sword Mastery, which means you will be able to equip the runic Versions of these Weapons. And they get Energy Regeneration in all Trays. You gain increased Stealth, Stealth movement speed and all attacks count as from behind and you become CC immune for a while after you leave stealth. You gain access to SURPRISE ATTACK, which can be used from stealth, deals big damage and applies a Bleed. Your SWEEP now applies a barrier and increases your movement speed. Your CONCUSSIVE TRAPS can be placed from stealth. And your TWIN SURGE deals increased damage against bleeding targets.
The Brigand gets access to the PLAGUE, DARK or SHADOW Domain.
The Ranger Class gets access to the following Disciplines.
Arcane Archer • arcane arrow (attack: applies armor break to enemies in its path)• arcane barrier (gain a barrier, and elemental barrier resistance) Sharpshooter • binding arrows (attack: ground target area root)• all clear (passive: increase damage when apart from enemies) Dead Eye • multi-shot (attack: cone damage five enemies)• careless whisper (passive: basic attacks buff crit stats) Fencer • cut and thrust (attack: stun vs block or parry)• critical dodge (passive: critical strikes restore dodge) Master Of Swords • critical hack (attack: increase critical strike)• iron skin (increase slashing resistance; reduce weapon resource cost) Thorny Warrior • dagger spin (attack: damages enemies in an area)• root stake (field: roots enemies) All Clear • all clear (passive: increase damge when apart from enemies) Hunter • shadow alertness (buff: increase group perception, attack power. detects stealth)• hyper alert (passive: alertness cooldown decreased) Skullcracker • (wrong disc name/power?) archers stake (creates a field granting attack power) Stay In The Fight • stay in the fight (passive: basic attacks have no cost when low on resources) Thornshield • thornshield (activate thorns)